Apple green turquoise bracelet




A very refreshing bracelet to add colour into your life. It is stretchable around 21 cm for a lovely comfort with a sea theme. You can buy another bracelet to add more colour and stones with their healing properties. Each bracelet is 28£ buy two for 49£.

Green apple turquoise amulet against “evil “, gemstone to protect the owner from “ malice” or “ accident “ . It will prevent the flow of fortune from being disturbed.

Magnesite is known for its calming properties. It assists in producing an opening of the crown chakra. Magnesite brings all forms of self-deceit to the surface, induces positive attitude to life. Supports people who are nervous and fearful. It aids in the absorption of magnesium in the body . Treats bone and teeth disorders , pain from gallbladder and kidney stones.