Labradorite Pebble & Amazonite Necklace


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🦋 💙 I tend to love big stones, the ones we can see from far away around somebody’s neck. And from time to time I have the need to wear a bigger one ! Depending also on the mood of the day and what support the stone could bring to lift me up 🌈  🦋 🌈

that necklace is so lovely to watch ! The Labradorite is catching the light and reflecting back so many stories when caching the light and every mouvement brings new beautiful shades. It has also clear crystal and Amazonite round beads . The stone are soft and you ll love the contact on your skin. It has a silver sterling fermoir and the length of the necklace is 52.5 cm

Labradorite just by looking at a Labradorite crystal stone you can get a feel for its powerful energy. At first, you may not see much. But as soon as you catch a glimpse of its labradorescence, you’ll be reminded of the magic of the universe – and the magic within you. The Labradorite crystal meaning encourages you to go after your dreams, and helps you get out of your own way so you can make your dreams come true. Connected to the Throat Chakra, helps us to speak our truth and stay rooted in authenticity. It reminds us of the power of using our voices, of communicating our needs with clarity and empowering ourselves in the world. When we have a Throat Chakra block. Strong protection.

Amazonite a powerful throat chakra healer. It helps to remove toxic emotions when placed on the chest. If amazonite crystal found a way into your life, it’s a sign that you are in need of the truth even if it hurts. Reminding you that it’s time for your voice to be heard. The amazonite healing properties help you move beyond the fear of confrontation or judgment. It will bring order to chaos with its pure light overflowing with love and hope.

Clear quartz Is a purifier and is a great healer in that it is capable of revitalising your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual planes. The stone acts as a cleanser for the soul and in turn, enhances psychic abilities, aids in concentration, and improves memory. All in all, the crystal brings the body back into balance by creating harmony amongst the chakras and aligning the spiritual body.


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