Labradorite Rose & Labradorite Pearls




Another fantastic crystal , the Labradorite ! and it was beautifully carved into a Rose. So I made a leafy support in silver sterling for the rose to look back in it s natural environment. It has 4 Labradorite briolettes hanging from the leafs which I deliberately kept with a non shiny finished, and a touch of gold plating.
The sterling silver chain can be attached at different heigh to adjust the length to your desire. The maximum length is 52 cm. The Rose is about 5.5cm and with the leafs 8.5 cm width.

Labradorite just by looking at a Labradorite crystal stone you can get a feel for its powerful energy. At first, you may not see much. But as soon as you catch a glimpse of its labradorescence, you’ll be reminded of the magic of the universe – and the magic within you. The Labradorite crystal meaning encourages you to go after your dreams, and helps you get out of your own way so you can make your dreams come true. Connected to the Throat Chakra, helps us to speak our truth and stay rooted in authenticity. It reminds us of the power of using our voices, of communicating our needs with clarity and empowering ourselves in the world. When we have a Throat Chakra block. Strong protection.