Rubis Zoisite & Larimar Jasper Bracelet




A beautiful flexible bracelet, very comfortable to wear, with two different green stones. I made 3 bracelets slightly bigger in sizes each time, in case you need extra space . They are circa .. 19cm…20cm…21cm circumference.

Rubis Zoisite will give you energies of healing that will help you release suppressed anger or feelings of self-harm or self-disregard. The past is the past, and everything that belongs to the past should no longer be in your heart.The Ruby Zoisite is a stone that’s heart-based, and it will foster positive feelings in your love life. Your happiness, passion, satisfaction, and security will be amplified.This stone is an emotional healer that will calm your heart during times of stress or pain. It will protect your heart from the deepest hurts and help it get strong again in time.

Larimar helps to heal and tone the throat.  By opening up the throat chakra, it promotes self-confidence and encourages us to express our deepest truths and fears. Especially helpful in removing self-imposed blockages and constraints, Larimar assists us in taking control of our lives by dissolving self-sabotaging behaviour, alleviating guilt and removing fear. Larimar is said to help us to view events from a different perspective; it softens, enlightens and heals in a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual way, stimulates the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras facilitating inner wisdom and outer manifestation.  It represents peace and clarity radiating healing and love energy. It is recommended for people who are stressed.  It is said to be a healing stone.